eXclusion is now into it’s run at the wonderful Waterloo East Theatre and we have had a lovely response from our audiences. We would like to extend our thanks to Gerald Armin and everyone at Waterloo East, we have been made to feel really welcome. We would also like to thank our brilliant technical crew, without whom, there would be no show. Great work all.
We were featured in yesterday’s Wharf newspaper. You can read the interview with Ali and Deborah by clicking on this link: http://www.wharf.co.uk/2011/11/prison-play-leaves-verdict-to.html
Tonight, Friday 11th November is ‘pay what you can night‘, so come along and put in whatever you can afford.
On Thursday 17th November we are having a gala evening with a post show discussion with a panel of invited guests and led by Rachel Halford Director of Women In Prison. It promises to be a fascinating debate, particularly in light of Prisons Minister Crispin Blunt’s announcement yesterday that he is aiming for no women to be in prison by 2015. So come along and find out the panel’s response to that one!
See you at the theatre