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  • Writer's pictureWhoop 'n' Wail

But For Us – Lockdown update

Our play But For Us is a celebration of our NHS and those who are willing to fight for it.

What better time to be planning a tour of the UK, with a show that recognises all the wonderful people who have been working tirelessly accross the health and social care sector, particularly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Check out our new trailer, recorded during the public sharing at the Bush Theatre Studio, following our R&D week at the Old Diorama Arts Centre, last September.

Since the public sharing, we’ve been busy making a few more script adjustments and storyboarding our digital content. Our plan now is to prepare to take it around the country, to regional theatres near you.

So, we’ve plenty to do while we stay home during lockdown…..

Stay safe, stay home.

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