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Writer's pictureWhoop 'n' Wail

“A bunch of women talking about whatever it is women talk about”

What do women talk about? Whatever it is, it has got to be different from what normal people talk about, right?

While Ali and Debs were preparing to launch Whoop ‘n’ Wail Represents… (more of which later) they were more than a little amused to read a quote from Jenifer Kessler’s book,  “Why film schools teach screenwriters not to pass the Bechdel test”. While a scriptwriting student at the University of California, Los Angeles, Kessler was told by professors that the audience “only wanted white, straight, male leads” and not, as she quoted a male industry professional as saying, “a bunch of women talking about whatever it is women talk about”.

So, what is it that women talk about? Well OK, we all know that women talk about all the same stuff that normal peop.. oh, er, sorry, I mean men talk about: daily routines, kids, what to have for dinner, the politics of the day, the latest health scare, how serious the threat of rising sea levels really is, the best and worst ways to go about tackling global terrorism, how gentle is the breeze that softly ripples the…… you get my drift! Of course I have to admit that over my adult life I have talked with some frequency to a wide variety of female family members, friends and colleagues about my period, whereas the only men I have spoken with on this subject are my husband and my doctor – and purely on a need-to-know basis you understand. And I’m quite sure that there are some things that men prefer to discuss in a male-only environment too. Oh, now I’m rather interested – what do men talk about in ladyless company? Girls, six packs and sport? Probably. And all the other stuff as well no doubt.

So now that we have established, once and for all, that men and women talk about the same stuff and occasionally about different stuff, can we please move on?

Whoop ‘n’ Wail promise you innovation and entertainment, don’t we? So… wait for it… we have a real treat for you in store for you, something rarely seen before, something so unheard of it will blow your mind, as we prepare to bring you the very best in… I said wait for it!…. This November, we present to you……..dum dum duhhhhh……male and female writers, directors and performers. IN ONE SHOW. Talking about whatever it is they all talk about!

There – I said it was a treat!

The Launch

Waterloo East Theatre, Brad Street, London SE1 8TG

Mondays 17th & 24th November @ 19:30

For more details watch this space or visit our website:

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