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Writer's pictureWhoop 'n' Wail




What is Represents…?

With brand new plays from both male and female writers, Represents… is a showcase with a difference.

Whoop ‘n’ Wail have committed to achieving gender equality on the UK stage by creating a night of entertaining, engaging theatre with all plays having significant roles for women.

Consisting of six fifteen-minute shorts, each piece of writing must pass the Bechdel Test – they must include at least two named female characters who, at some stage, talk to each other about something other than a man. Inspired by Alison Bechdel’s 1987 comic strip, The Rules, the Bechdel Test has become the benchmark for gauging fair representation on stage and screen.

The sold-out launch of Represents… in Nov 2014 featured work by both established and emerging playwrights and directors invited by the curators to kick off the inaugural event. Represents…Desire in Feb 2015 featured plays from both sides of the Atlantic selected via an open submission process.

For Represents…Mayday, the submission process is open to writers currently living in the UK. Each submission will be read, six pieces selected, and successful writers paired with a director.

What we are looking for:

  1. A piece of new and original writing using the theme Mayday as a stimulus that can be performed in no more than 15 minutes.

  2. Stage plays – either complete short plays or a self-contained extract from a larger work.

  3. Plays written by individuals or writing teams.

  4. Plays that pass the Bechdel Test:

  5. There is no limit to the number of characters your play can have, however at least two must be female. We will accept gender-neutral characters, provided a female-female interaction can be achieved through casting.

  6. The qualifying female characters must have names (not ‘wife’, ‘mum’, ‘woman’, etc.)

  7. Two female characters must interact with each other directly about a subject other than men. This interaction should be significant and have a bearing on the plot.

NB: Plays do not need to be all-female to achieve this. It is entirely possible to pass the test and have male characters in the play, and we particularly welcome submissions that achieve this.

What we do not accept:

  1. Scripts that do not pass the Bechdel Test.

Plays that do not pass the test will not be read, and Whoop ‘n’ Wail will not accept further submissions from the writer.

  1. Scripts that have been previously produced

We will accept scripts that have had rehearsed readings, but not ones that have been staged. Represents… is a new writing night, so we want to showcase your original work.

  1. Scripts that do not relate to the theme

Please do not send old work hoping it will fit the bill: we are looking for new plays written in response to the set theme or existing (unperformed) work that clearly relates to it.

  1. Adaptations of another writer’s idea

We want to see your original work. The only exception to this if you have adapted your own work from another medium.

  1. Multiple submissions at one time

We can only accept one script from each writer/writing team in a given submission window.

How to submit:

  1. Represents…Mayday is open to writers currently living in the UK only

  2. Submit scripts in Word Format only via email to by the deadline, 17:00 on Wednesday 11th March 2015.

  3. Submissions sent after the deadline will not be read or considered.

  4. Submissions must contain the following information in one document only:

  5. Writer’s full name and contact email address

  6. Confirmation that the writer is currently living in the UK

  7. Character breakdown, including each character’s gender

  8. Short (three-line) synopsis

  9. Short (two-line) biography, including a weblink if applicable

  10. Any links to social media (Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn etc)

What we provide:

  1. The performance space

  2. A director

  3. Your cast

  4. The marketing for the showcase

  5. Basic lighting

  6. Basic set

  7. Basic props

Important Information:

  1. Successful writers will be paired with a director, and that director will have sole responsibility for casting the piece and arranging rehearsals. Writers will be invited to rehearsals at the director’s discretion.

  2. Suggested cuts or changes will be subject to the writer’s approval.

  3. Writers will be entitled to a complimentary ticket for each performance for their own use only. These tickets cannot be transferred.

  4. Due to venue restrictions, complimentary tickets for press and industry professionals are only available to the producers. No other complimentary tickets will be available to cast or creatives, however requests to allocate tickets can be submitted to the producers for use by legitimate industry professionals such as casting directors. Whoop ‘n’ Wail will consider all requests, however this does not guarantee approval. The producers’ decision is final.

  5. No naked flames, smoking or fire will be permitted in the venue (this includes candles/party poppers).

  6. The final deadline for script submissions is 17:00 on Wednesday 11th March 2015. Submissions sent after the deadline will not be read or considered.

  7. Successful writers will be notified by 17:00 on the 1st April 2015. Regretfully, due to time constraints, Whoop ‘n’ Wail are only able to respond to successful applicants and are unable to provide any feedback on unsuccessful submissions. Whoop ‘n’ Wail will not respond to requests for such.


This is not a paid commission – everyone involved in the project (including the producers) contribute their time and talent for free. Whoop ‘n’ Wail will be applying for funding so this may change as the project develops and we will update you if there are any changes. All accounts for Represents… will be available to any member of the company at any time by request.

“A celebration of feminist theatre that explodes any notions that it’s predictable or restrictive. Whoop ‘n’ Wail continue to challenge and delight”

   innovation   •   entertainment   •   social justice


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